Today we are pleased to have submitted a consultation response on behalf of Our Hearings, Our Voice Board Members on ‘Incorporating the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into domestic law in Scotland.’
Our Hearings, Our Voice offers Board Members a diverse range of participation opportunities (known as Projects) to help elevate their views and influence positive change. Young people choose which Projects they would like to be involved in.
Four Board Members from Aberdeenshire, Stirlingshire and Lanarkshire attended a UNCRC Incorporation engagement session on the 1st of August in Stirling. It was an interactive session that created space for the young people to explore and comment on some of the key themes within the consultation. The young people had a lot to say on the matter and were absolutely clear that the UNCRC should be made law in Scotland.
You can read their full response here.
If you would like any further information please contact Jacqui Dunbar on Jacqui.Dunbar@gov.scot