Language Leaders
You may have already heard there’s an exciting project underway to radically improve language in the Children’s Hearings System. The Language Leaders are leading the way in making language in the Hearings System more accessible, personal and caring. The group – which is made up of young people with lived experience and adults with lived and professional experience across the Hearings System – is making great progress. This section of the CHIP website has been created to provide you with more information, resources and updates on their progress.
What’s new?
A new cartoon animation bringing to life the importance of language in the Children’s Hearings System has been launched. Articulate Animation was co-written, designed and voiced by Hearings-experienced young people from Our Hearings, Our Voice (OHOV) Board Members. A joint initiative with Children’s Hearings Scotland and the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration, the animation stems from the work of the Language Leaders.
Language, The Promise and the Hearings System
All children have needs and the language used impacts on their wellbeing, sense of self and ability to thrive. Read some of the findings.
Online word bin
To help the Language Leaders identify words that can upset or confuse children and young people, an interactive word bin has been created.
What's been happening?
A number of care and Hearings-experienced young people have been meeting with professionals to develop this work.
What's next?
The Language Leaders group are co-producing a tool and principles which can be used by all partners in the Children’s Hearings System.
Our Hearings, Our Voice website
Find out more about OHOV – catch up on news, projects and read the latest edition of VOICE magazine an OHOV publication by young people, for young people
Some existing resources on language from the perspective of children and young people.
Language Leaders - Because what we hear in Hearings matters

The Children’s Hearings Improvement Partnership
Working together, sharing ideas and co-ordinating our efforts to improve services for children and young people.
© 2025 CHIP
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