Children’s Hearings Scotland (CHS) and the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA) have launched a new corporate parenting website aimed at young people.
Both organisations have produced plans which detail their corporate parenting commitments and activities, but they wanted to provide young people with a more interactive experience. contains information about corporate parenting, what it is all about and who the corporate parents are in the Children’s Hearings System. It also contains lots of helpful information for children and young people who are referred to the Children’s Reporter or are going to a Children’s Hearing.
You can also read CHS’ full Business and Corporate Parenting Plan and SCRA’s Corporate Parenting Plan on the new website.
CHS National Convener/Chief Executive Boyd McAdam and SCRA’s Principal Reporter/Chief Executive Officer Neil Hunter have written blogs for the website outlining their organisation’s commitments to corporate parenting.
Neil Hunter, SCRA’s Principal Reporter/Chief Executive Officer, said: “SCRA’s Corporate Parenting Duties include delivering a service that promotes and protects the best interests – and rights – of the children and young people referred into, and who are part of, the Children’s Hearings System.
“This is an extremely important role, and delivering these functions to a high standard will ensure that children and young people’s best interests are met, and that their experience of Children’s Hearings will be more positive, inclusive, supportive and holistic.”
Neil added: “SCRA involve Hearings-experienced young people in almost every aspect of our work, from reviewing and creating our communications, to designing our Children’s Hearing rooms, to interviewing and appointing members of staff, to working within the organisation undertaking Modern Apprenticeships, to influencing policies, procedures, and funding at Executive Management and Board level. “
Boyd McAdam, National Convener at CHS said:
“Both I as National Convener, and CHS as an organisation, have embraced our new role as corporate parents. Corporate parenting goes to the very heart of CHS’ vision, mission, and values.
“My ambition is that corporate parenting reinforces the ethos of the organisation and informs everything that we plan and do. To make this a reality we have, for the first time, incorporated corporate parenting into our main planning and reporting cycle reflecting how integral it is to our activities.
Boyd added: “As an organisation, CHS doesn’t provide any services directly to children and young people. Although Children’s Panel members have direct contact with children and young people at Children’s Hearings, they are not Corporate Parents.
“We are quite a new organisation, but from the beginning we have tried hard to encourage engagement and participation with children and young people. We have a participation framework which explains how we involve children and young people in our work. We have held lots of workshops with children and young people on a wide range of different subjects, using their feedback to inform policy and decision making.
“We involve young people in the design and delivery of training for new Children’s Panel members and gradually young people are becoming more involved in our panel member recruitment processes.”
If you work with young people, please help spread the word and let them know about the new website.